Chancellor Wendell Pritchett Will Step Down in 2014

September 10, 2013

Members of the Rutgers Community:

Rutgers-Camden Chancellor Wendell Pritchett, who has played a pivotal role in both strengthening the Camden Campus and preserving its vital place within Rutgers, has informed me that he will return to the faculty at the conclusion of the 2013-14 academic year. I have accepted Wendell’s decision with reluctance but also with enormous gratitude for all he has done for Rutgers since he arrived in 2009.

Chancellor Pritchett is a gifted and inspiring leader, and under his direction, Rutgers-Camden has expanded its student population and grown its superb faculty; established vibrant new academic programs, including a School of Nursing, which serves a growing demand in southern New Jersey; and made critical improvements to the campus infrastructure, including a new 350-bed residence hall that opened last year. 

True to Wendell’s passion, Rutgers-Camden has become deeply involved in supporting the people of Camden and the surrounding region, establishing an Office for Civic Engagement that has helped to instill an ethic of civic engagement into the curriculum. He has been recognized by his peers for this work through his recent election as president of the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities.

Most critically for the future of Rutgers-Camden and the entire University, Chancellor Pritchett spoke eloquently and forcefully for the Camden Campus community throughout the legislative process that ultimately yielded the 2012 New Jersey Medical and Health Sciences Education Restructuring Act. He led a broad and passionate coalition of Rutgers-Camden students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. Both in public meetings and in behind-the-scenes negotiations, Wendell successfully advocated against proposals for ending or in any way compromising Rutgers-Camden’s essential place within Rutgers University. His leadership was critical to ensuring that Rutgers will continue to have a statewide presence.

Chancellor Pritchett will continue to lead Rutgers-Camden with vision and courage as the campus community tackles the challenges of the coming year, including the implementation of the Restructuring Act as it affects Rutgers-Camden. He has my continued admiration and strong support. Please know that we will launch a national search for his successor, with the goal of appointing a new chancellor in time for the 2014-15 academic year.

Please join me in congratulating Wendell on his outstanding tenure as Chancellor and in thanking him for his many contributions to a stronger Rutgers.


Bob Barchi